Friday, April 1, 2011


When I first thought about traveling Europe, I figured I’d go backpacking after I graduated high school in the summer. I told my parents this, and they didn’t really react at all, which surprises me now. I now realize this made total sense as 1. It was so expensive, and I had no idea how much it would cost, so it was entirely impossible and 2. If they freaked out, I would have insisted more, and it might have happened based on my stubborness alone.
When I heard about backpacking, the following image came to mind: me, by myself, with a huge backpack, sleeping on benches in London by night and chatting with locals and taking in sites by day. I figured I’d need about 600 dollars for my airfare, and nothing else.
Having actually traveled, I now realize I was a stupid teenager. I am still probably this.

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